The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge Read online

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  [ILLUSTRATION: "You have made a fine shelter," said the hunter.]




  Author of the Bobbsey Twins.




























  "Will Snap pull us, do you think, Freddie?" asked little FlossieBobbsey, as she anxiously looked at her small brother, who was fasteninga big, shaggy dog to his sled by means of a home-made harness. "Do youthink he'll give us a good ride?"

  "Sure he will, Flossie," answered Freddie with an air of wisdom. "Iexplained it all to him, and I've tried him a little bit. He pulledfine, and you won't be much heavier. I'll have the harness all fixed ina minute, and then we'll have a grand ride."

  "Do you think Snap will be strong enough to pull both of us?" asked thelittle girl.

  "Of course he will!" exclaimed Freddie firmly. "He's as good as anEsquimo dog, and we saw some pictures of them pulling sleds bigger thanours."

  "That's so," admitted Flossie. "Well, hurry up, please, Freddie 'causeI'm cold standing here, and I want to get under the blankets on the sledand have a nice ride."

  "I'll hurry all right, Flossie. You go up there by Snap's head and pathim. Then he'll stand stiller, and I can fix the harness on himquicker."

  Flossie, with a shake of her light curls, and a stamp of her little feetto rid them of the snow from the drift in which she had been standing,went closer to the fine-looking and intelligent dog, who did not seem tomind being all tied up with ropes and leather straps to Freddie's sled.

  "Good old Snap!" exclaimed Flossie, patting his head. "You're going togive Freddie and me a fine ride; aren't you, old fellow?"

  Snap barked and wagged his tail violently.

  "Hey! Stop that!" cried Freddie. "He's flopping his tail right in myface!" the little boy added. "I can't see to fasten this strap. Hold histail, Flossie."

  Snap, hearing the voice of his young master--one of his two masters bythe way--wagged his tail harder than ever. Freddie made a grab for it,but missed. Flossie, seeing this, laughed and Snap, thinking it was agreat joke, leaped about and barked with delight. He sprang out of theharness, which was only partly fastened on, and began leaping about inthe snow. Finally he stood up on his hind legs and marched about, forSnap was a trick dog, and had once belonged to a circus.

  "There now! Look at that!" cried Freddie. "He's spoiled everything!We'll never get him hitched up now."

  "It--it wasn't my fault," said Flossie, a tear or two coming into hereyes.

  "I know it wasn't, Flossie," replied Freddie, speaking more quietly."It's always just that way with Snap when he gets excited. Come here!"he called to the dog, "and let me harness you. Come here Snap!"

  The dog was well enough trained so that he knew when the time for funwas over and when he had to settle down. Still wagging his tailjoyously, however, Snap came up to Freddie, who started over again thework of harnessing the animal to the sled.

  "I guess you'd better stand at his tail instead of at his head," saidFreddie. "So when he wags it you can grab it, Flossie, and hold itstill. Then it won't slap me in the face, and I can see what I'm doing.Hold his tail, Flossie."

  "Then he can't wag it," objected the little girl.

  "I know he can't. I don't want him to."

  "But it may make him angry."

  "Snap never gets mad; do you, Snap?" asked Freddie, and the dog's barkseemed to say "No, never!"

  So Flossie held the dog's tail, while Freddie put on the harness again.This time he succeeded in getting it all arranged to suit him, and thefrisky Snap was soon made fast to the sled.

  "Now get on, Flossie," called her brother, "and we'll see how fast Snapcan pull us."

  "But don't make him go too fast, Freddie," begged the little girl. "Forit's hard pulling in the snow."

  "No, I'll let him go slow," promised Freddie. "But it won't be hard workpulling us. My sled goes awfully easy, anyhow."

  Freddie tucked Flossie in amid the robes and rugs which the children hadtaken from the house, near which they had started to harness the dog.Then Freddie took his place in front of his sister, holding to two reinsthat were fastened to the dog's head. Freddie had made no bit, such asis used for horses and goats, but he thought by making straps fast to asort of muzzle by which he could guide Snap, by pulling his head to oneside or the other.

  "All ready, Flossie?" called Freddie, when he himself was comfortable onthe sled.

  "All ready," she answered.

  "Giddap, Snap!" cried Freddie, and, with a bark, off the dog started,pulling the sled and the two children after him.

  "Oh, he's going! He's giving us a ride! It's as real as anything!" criedFlossie in delight, holding fast to the sled. "Oh, Freddie!"

  "Of course it's real!" said Freddie. "Bert and Nan said Snap wouldn'tpull us, but I knew he would. I just wish they could see us now."

  As if in answer to this wish a little later, when the two smaller twinshad turned a corner, they saw coming toward them their brother andsister Nan and Bert, also twins, but four years older.

  "Look, look!" cried Flossie to Nan. "See what a nice ride we're having."

  "Oh, look, Bert!" exclaimed Nan, "Snap really is pulling them," and shegrasped her brother's arm. Bert was pulling his own sled and that of histwin sister.

  "Yes, he'll pull them a little way," admitted Bert, as if he knew allabout it, "and then, the first thing they know, Snap will turn aroundshort and tip them into a snowdrift. He hasn't been trained to pull asled, no matter how many other tricks he can do."

  "I trained him myself!" declared Freddie, as he pulled on the lines tobring the dog to a stop. But Snap, seeing Nan and Bert, was eager toreach them to be patted and made much of, so he did not obey the commandgiven by the reins, but kept on.

  "Whoa there!" cried Freddie, holding back with all his little strength.

  "See, I told you he wouldn't mind," said Bert, with a laugh.

  "Oh, but isn't it cute!" exclaimed Nan, flapping her hands. "I didn'tthink they'd get any ride at all."

  "We'll show you! We'll have a fine ride!" panted Freddie, vainly tryingto make Snap halt.

  Then just what Bert said would happen seemed about to take place. Thedog leaped around, and turned short to get nearer to the older Bobbseytwins.

  "Look out!" cried Bert, but his warning came too late.

  Over went the sled, and Flossie and Freddie were pitched from it into abig, fluffy bank of snow, falling into it deeply, but with no more harmto them than if they had landed on a bed of feathers.

  "Oh dear!" cried Flossie, as she felt herself shooting toward the snow.

  "Whoa there! Whoa! Don't you run away, Snap!" shouted Freddie. Then hismouth was filled with snow and he could say no
thing more.

  "Oh, Bert! They'll be smothered!" cried Nan. "Help me get them out!"

  Bert was laughing, and trying to defend himself against the jumping upof Snap, who seemed to want to hug the boy with his paws.

  "Stop laughing! Help me!" ordered Nan, who was already trying to liftFlossie from her snowy bed.

  "I can't help laughing--Freddie looked so funny when he went over," saidBert.

  "There's no danger of smothering, though. That snow is as dry as sand.Here you go, Freddie. Give me your hand and I'll pull you out."

  In a few seconds the smaller Bobbsey twins stood beside their largerbrother and sister, while Snap capered about them, barking loudly andwagging his tail.

  "Oh, he's got loose, and the harness is all broken," said Freddie, andtears of disappointment stood in his blue eyes.

  "Never mind," said Bert. "I'll help you make a better harness to-morrow,Freddie. That one wasn't strong enough for Snap, anyhow. I'll fix itdifferently."

  "Oh, but we were going to have such a fine ride!" said Flossie, who wasalso ready to cry. The smaller twins were only about five years old, soit might have been expected.

  "Well, come on and go coasting with Bert and me," said Nan, as shepatted her little sister's head. "We're going over on the long hill.It's fine there, and you'll have just as much fun as if you had Snap topull you."

  "Shall we go, Freddie?" asked Flossie, who generally depended on him tostart their amusements.

  "I guess so," he answered. "This harness is all busted, anyhow."

  Sadly he looked at the tangled strings and straps fast to the sled,where Snap had broken away from them. The harness Freddie had made withsuch care was all broken now.

  "Never mind," said Bert again. "I'll make you a better one to-morrow,Freddie. Come along now, and we'll have some fun. And when we getthrough coasting I'll buy everybody a hot chocolate soda."

  "Really?" asked Flossie, her sorrow forgotten now.

  "Sure thing," promised Bert.

  "Come on, then, Freddie," said his little sister. "We can harness Snapup to-morrow."

  The useless harness was taken to the Bobbsey home, not far away, andthen the four twins--the two sets of them, as it were--started for thecoasting hill, Flossie and Freddie having one sled between them, and Nanand Bert each having one of their own.

  On the way to the hill they met many of their friends, also bound forthe same place. School was just out and the boys and girls were eager tohave a good time in the snow.

  "There's Charley Mason!" exclaimed Bert, seeing a boy he knew. "Hello,Charley!" he called. "Going coasting?"

  "Sure. Where's the big bob?" For some time before this Bert and Charleyhad made, in partnership, a large bob sled.

  "Oh, I didn't know you'd be out, or I'd have brought it," replied Bert."Anyhow, I promised Nan I'd coast with her."

  "Oh, that's all right. I guess the hill will be too crowded for a bob,anyhow. Danny Rugg was taking his over, though, for I saw him and someof his crowd hauling it from his barn a little while ago."

  "Well, let 'em. We can get ours later. Got a new sled?" and Bert lookedadmiringly at the one Charley was pulling.

  "No, it's only my old one painted over. But it makes it look like new."

  "We had Snap hitched up, but he broke loose," said Freddie. "But we'regoing to have a stronger harness to-morrow."

  "That's good," said Charley, with a broad smile.

  Soon the children were on the hill. There was a large crowd of coastersthere, and fun was at its height. There was merry shouting and laughter,and several spills and upsets. As Bert had said, the hill was very muchcrowded.

  "I thought it would be no good for a bob," he remarked.

  "There goes Danny Rugg now!" exclaimed Charley. "He's giving orders toeveryone."

  "He'd better not give any to me," said Bert, in a quiet voice, but withdetermination in his tones.

  "Oh, Bert!" exclaimed Nan. "Please don't have any fuss; will you?"

  "Not on my part," said Bert "But if Danny Rugg thinks he can boss me heis mistaken."

  It was evident that Danny liked to play master. He could be heard givingorders to this one and the other one to get out of the way, to pull hisbob around in place, and then to shove it off with its load of boys andgirls.

  Now, though Danny was a bully, some of the children were friendly withhim for the sake of getting a ride on his sled, which was a large andexpensive one.

  Bert and Nan, and Flossie and Freddie, soon were coasting with theirfriends, having a good time on the hill. The two smaller twins went downtogether.

  As Freddie came up the long slope, pulling his sled in readiness foranother trip, Danny Rugg with his bob reached the head of the slope atthe same time.

  "Say, Danny, give me a ride this trip; won't you?" begged a small boy,who had no sled, but who often did errands for the bully, and playedmean tricks for him that, Danny was too lazy to play himself. "Let me goon your bob?"

  "Not this time, Sim," said Danny. "The bob is going to be filled. Buthere, you can take Freddie Bobbsey's sled. He doesn't want it," andwithout giving Freddie time to say whether he did or not Danny snatchedthe sled rope from him and held it out to Sim Watson.

  For a moment Freddie was too surprised to utter a protest and then, ashe realized what had happened, he cried out:

  "Here, Danny Rugg, you let my sled alone! I do want it! Give it back tome!"

  "Aw, go on!" said Danny. "You've had rides enough. Let Sim take yoursled, or I'll punch you!" and Danny gave Freddie a shove, and held outthe rope of the sled to Sim.

  "Stop it!" cried Freddie. "I'll tell Bert on you."

  "Pooh! Think I'm afraid of your brother. I can handle him with one handtied behind my back."

  "Then it's time you started in!" exclaimed a voice just back of Danny,and the bully turned suddenly to see Bert standing near him, Danny'sface flushed, and then grew pale. Before he could make a move Bertgrabbed away from him the rope of Freddie's sled, which Sim had not yettaken, and passed it back to his small brother.

  "Don't you try that again," warned Bert.

  "I will if I want to," said Danny, meanly, "I'm not afraid of you."

  "Maybe not," said Bert, quietly, "and I'm not afraid of you, either. Butif you take my brother's sled for some of your friends you'll have tosettle with me. You leave Freddie alone; do you hear?"

  "I don't have to mind you!"

  "We'll see about that. Go ahead, Freddie. You and Flossie coast as muchas you like, and if Danny bothers you any more let me know."

  Danny, with an uneasy laugh, turned aside. Some of his particular chumsgathered about him, and one murmured:

  "Why don't you fight him?"

  For a moment it looked as though there might be trouble, but an instantlater all thoughts of it passed, for a series of girls' screams camefrom midway down the long hill.

  All eyes were turned in that direction, and those at the top of theslope saw a team of runaway horses, attached to a heavy bobsled,plunging madly up the hill.

  And, right in the path of the frightened animals was Nan Bobbsey, andone or two other girls, on their sleds, coasting straight for therunaways.

  A cry of fear came from Bert Bobbsey as he noticed his sister's danger.